What is Recidivism?

Recidivism is a term used within criminal justice, that refers to an individuals relapse into criminal behaviour after they have experienced a negative consequence of that same behaviour and have been taught to prevent that behaviour from re-occurring.

The purpose of ‘A Second Chance’

A Second Chance is a serious game that aims to teach previously convicted individuals about recidivism and how to prevent themselves from re-offending. The game attempts to put the user into real life scenarios. The user is then given three potential actions to take for each scenario. The user will then either progress through the game if the correct action has been taken or there will be consequences if the incorrect action has been taken.

The game includes twelve scenarios (one scenario per month), with the aim of the game being to complete the twelve month period without re-offending. The game covers a variety of areas, and puts the user in social, economical and peer pressuring situations.