Parts of a Desktop Computer

A desktop computer can be broken down into its key components, which are generally the computer, its monitor, its speakers, its keyboard and its mouse. These are shown below. There are other peripherals which may also be connected.

a labelled photo of a computer showing the monitor stood on the computer base, some speakers, a keyboard and a mouse

Go here for more details about Parts of a Desktop Computer.

You can download a printable labelling exercise for this here: exercise_-_Desktop_PC_diagram

Parts of a Laptop Computer

The laptop contains the main five parts of a desktop computer in one portable unit. It has a monitor, speakers, a computer, a keyboard, and a touch pad pointing device (which works like a mouse). A laptop may also have a microphone and webcam built into it.

a labelled photo of a laptop computer showing the monitor, computer, speakers, keyboard and a touchpad

Go here for more details about Parts of a Laptop Computer.

You can download a printable labelling exercise for this here: exercise_-_laptop_diagram